Traders at Alaba International Market demand urgent road repairs amid safety concerns
The Sun  May 20, 2024      

Voice of the Nation



Traders at the Alaba International Market are expressing their frustration over the deplorable state of the roads leading to their market, which they describe as hazardous.

In an interview with The Sun newspaper, traders highlighted the recent incident on Sunday, May 19, 2024, when a 40-foot container truck carrying goods toppled along the Volks-Ojo Alaba International Market road. The accident occurred opposite the Total Filling Station near Sunny Bus Stop, resulting in significant traffic congestion.

The President of the Alaba International Market Association Camillus Amajuoyi lamented the frequent accidents caused by the deteriorating roads around the market area. “The truck that fell is one too many,” he said, emphasizing that the poor condition of the roads, including those leading to Ojo-Alaba and the interjectory road to the Badagry Expressway, is a major concern.

The President explained that the road conditions severely hinder movement in and out of Alaba International Market, negatively impacting business operations and slowing down economic activities. He stressed that the market generates substantial revenue for the local government, which makes the situation even more critical.

Appealing to both the state and Ojo local governments, the President urged authorities to address the dire state of the roads promptly. “We need the government to come to our aid and assist in fixing the roads, which are now in a state of disrepair,” he pleaded.

As the traders continue to grapple with these challenges, their call for immediate road repairs underscores the urgent need for infrastructure improvements to ensure safety and support economic activity in the region.

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