Artificial Intelligent (AI) & Machine Learning (ML) has become the ideal way to deliver enterprise applications and the preferred solution for companies extending their infrastructure or launching new innovations.
Artificial intelligence is a field of computer science which makes a computer system that can mimic human intelligence while machine learning enables a computer system to make predictions or take some decisions using historical data without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning uses a massive amount of structured and semi-structured data so that a machine learning model can generate accurate result or give predictions based on that data.
PlucomAI strategy is a one of continious research and development in the field which include Webcrawler (WebBot), Generative conversation AI & ML ChatBot, Text2Speech AI and Task Automation.
Like PlucomNews is powered with a WebCrawler (WebBot) to search and index articles, images and videos across the web. Once generatibe AI & ML development focus on build a response chartbot that can provide answer to queries via a marchine learning dataset. Example of on implementation of of ChatBot is Plucom WebChat.
Implemation of AI in task automatioation is new AI strategy being build on all our applications by premepting users and helping them initiate a repetive tasks or tasks that are perform regular following initially store algorithm of the orhination process initated by users.
The following are list of our PlucomAI & ML strategy under research, development and implementation
- WebCrawler (WebBot)
- Generative Conversion (ChatBot)
- Text2Speech
- Task Automation
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