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UMA Launches Green Industry Agenda  Jul 26, 2024      

In a landmark event held on Thursday 25th of July, Ugandas manufacturing sector unveiled the Green Industry Agenda, a visionary initiative poised to revolutionize the countrys industrial landscape.

The launch, honoured by the presence of Prime Minister Rt Hon Robbina Nabbanja, Hon. Mwebasa Francis from the Ministry of Trade and Cooperatives, Hon David Bahati State Minister for Industry and Trade, Hon Beatrice Atim Anywar State Minister for Environment marked a significant milestone in Ugandas quest for sustainable development and environmental stewardship.

This trailblazing agenda seeks to harmonize industrial growth with ecological sustainability, propelling Uganda towards a low-carbon economy. By embracing green technologies, optimizing resource efficiency, and harnessing renewable energy sources, the initiative aims to mitigate the environmental footprint of industrial activities.

The far-reaching implications of the Green Industry Agenda are expected to permeate various sectors, including manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism, catalysing a paradigm shift towards eco-friendly practices. This, in turn, is anticipated to spawn a new wave of green jobs, stimulate innovation, and fortify Ugandas economic resilience.

The governments unwavering commitment to this initiative, exemplified by Prime Minister Rt Hon Robbina Nabbanjas, participation, underscores the governments dedication to addressing the pressing global challenges of climate change and environmental degradation.

By embracing sustainable industrialization, Uganda is poised to emerge as a beacon of hope for environmentally conscious development in the region.

As the manufacturer embarks on this transformative journey, the successful implementation of the Green Industry Agenda will hinge on synergistic collaboration among government agencies, private sector stakeholders, and civil society organizations.

With this collective effort, The Industry sector is set to redefine the contours of industrial growth, balancing economic prosperity with environmental sustainability. Together for a green environment.

According to Deo Kayemba, the UMA Board Chairperson, the Green Industry Agenda is designed to prioritize the use of renewable energy sources and promote sustainable manufacturing practices.

He said that it also seeks to increase the efficiency of available resources and transition to net-zero emissions across all value chains.

“It also aims to increase climate change awareness on both mitigation and adaptation measures, as well as facilitate research for green agendas for policy, advocacy, and contribution to global climate change goals,” said kayemba.

Recognizing the indispensable role of the environment in sustaining manufacturing operations, Kayemba said UMA remains steadfast in its commitment to environmental stewardship.

He added: “We aim to reduce Uganda’s industrial sector carbon footprint by 10% in three years and 25% in the next nine years, and foster the green agenda within the domestic context. Our partners like DTB will fund various projects aimed at improving energy efficiency and integrating renewable energy sources in manufacturing facilities.

Over the years, UMA has spearheaded numerous initiatives geared towards environmental preservation, exemplified by recent endeavors such as the Waste Water Management Project.

As the manufacturing sector projects a 10% growth trajectory, UMA is mindful of the potential environmental repercussions.

Consequently, it remains vigilant in its efforts to balance industrial growth with environmental sustainability, recognizing that responsible stewardship is essential to safeguarding the natural resources upon which the sector depends.

SoftPower News is a subsidiary of SoftPower Communications LLC, a Ugandan digital media group. Keep posted of the latest from Uganda and East Africa.
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